Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Creation of the Archdiocese of Bamenda

On Tuesday, 13 August 2019, Archbishop Cornelius Esua issued a communique to all the Faithful, announcing the Golden Jubilee of the erection of the Diocese of Bamenda. A Steering Committee, with Fr. William Neba, as the Chairperson, was created to prepare, organize and coordinate the celebrations. The celebrations were scheduled to run from Friday, 08 November 2019 to Sunday, 08 November 2020. The celebration had as theme: “Living the Faith in Truth and Charity.” These words seem to have been the guiding force of the Bishops of the Diocese since its erection, for “Truth” has been the central element of the Coat of Arms and Motto of the first two Archbishops, as well as the second Auxiliary Bishop of Bamenda: “The Truth shall set you free” (Archbishop Paul Verdzekov); “Your Word is Truth” (Archbishop Cornelius Esua); “Consecrate them in the Truth” (Bishop Michael Bibi); and “In Spirit and in Truth (Archbishop Andrew Nkea”.


The Mass of the launching of the Golden Jubilee celebration on 08 November 2019 was heavily attended, and Christians were educated on the entire programme, the expectations and justifications for the celebrations. The Jubilee was then celebrated at Small Christian Community level, Mission Station level and Parish level before the outbreak of the deadly Corona Virus which interrupted Deanery celebrations and celebrations for Church Action Groups form March 2020.


Hence, the events marking the celebrations of the fifty years of the erection of the Diocese of Bamenda that started on 8 November 2019 by Archbishop Cornelius F. Esua continued with Archbishop Nkea chairing the major events. However, the established programme was readjusted because of the outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic. For example, the Jubilee for men, initially scheduled for 19 March 2020 was finally celebrated on 28 August 2020, memorial of St. Augustine of Hippo, one of the finest scholars of the Church. During that Mass, Archbishop Nkea dedicated some 200 men into the Catholic Men Association (CMA), Cameroon. He invited them to be exemplary Christians, avoiding sins like adultery, violence against their spouses and confiscation of family wealth in the name of succession. The Archbishop also called for peace in the two Anglophone Regions of Cameroon.

Pilgrimages were encouraged at the level of Parishes and Deaneries. For example, Christians of St. Paul’s Quasi Parish, Ntahkekah, Nkwen, on 03 October 2020, organized a pilgrimage to St. Peter’s Parish, Bambui, the mother Parish of Bambui Deanery.
