The Sisters of St. Ann

The Sisters of St. Ann have four Communities in Bamenda Archdiocese, including the new community which has been established to take care of the newly open Divine Mercy Centre. It is situated about two kilometres from the Formation House. This new community serves as a centre for the promotion of the Divine Mercy Devotion, counselling, retreats, pro-life and family apostolate issues, and has a chapel for Eucharistic Adoration which is open to the public during the day. It equally has a multi-purpose hall.


Some members of the congregation are responsible for the catechetical formation and the preparation of students of Government and lay private colleges in Bamenda urban area for the Sacraments of Initiation at the Archdiocesan level. They also follow up and promote the activities of the Young Christian students (YCS).


Number of finally professed Sisters: 16

Number of temporarily professed sisters: 08
