The Archdiocesan Pastoral Formation Team

In order that the Pastoral Plan may be properly implemented, we have constituted Pastoral Formation Teams (PFT) at all the levels of the Archdiocese: Archdiocesan, the Deanery, the Parish and the Mission Station levels. The Team organizes formation sessions, workshops and seminars continuously at the level of the Parishes and Deaneries in order to sensitize the people on the constitution and functioning of the Small Christian Communities (SCC), the Gospel Sharing Groups and the Pastoral Commissions which are the various aspects of evangelization as proposed by the Provincial Pastoral Plan.


It is our hope that through this method of evangelization, the Gospel message will be deeply implanted in the hearts of the baptized, and this would enable our Christians to become more committed and better witnesses to the faith that they profess, participating and collaborating in the work of evangelization. We are already harvesting the fruits of this approach, because our Christian communities are becoming more vibrant, more self-reliant and evangelizing communities.


This year, 2021, is a year of elections in the Archdiocese of Bamenda. The Archdiocesan Pastoral Formation Team circulated the modalities for the elections and those competent to stand for the elections, and so we look forward to having a new set of lay pastoral agents from the SCC level right up to the Archdiocesan level.
