St. John Mary Vianney Spiritual Formation Centre, Bafut

St. John Mary Vianney Spiritual Formation Centre, Bafut caters for the formation of the candidates who intend to do their Priestly Formation in St. John Paul II Major Seminary, Bachu-Ntai, and, ultimately, St. Thomas Aquinas’ Major Seminary, Bambui during the Propaedeutic or Spiritual Year. It is a year of discernment before admission into the Major Seminary.


This Centre which was established in the early 1990s has become small and inadequate considering the growing number of candidates. The Centre which was built for a maximum of about 40 candidates must now accommodate about 70 candidates and above. We have had to modify the dormitories, the chapel and extend the refectory to accommodate more candidates. At the moment, a new chapel has been constructed and is being used by the candidates, although its finishing is yet to be done.
