Sacred Liturgy

Sacred Liturgy has been the top priority in the Archdiocese of Bamenda. Seminars have been organized by the Archdiocesan Master of Ceremonies in the various deaneries of the Archdiocese with the aim of directing the actors at the Liturgy: readers, ushers, Altar Servers, the Choirs, etc., all geared towards imparting the spirit of the Liturgy in the Archdiocese.


Following the Pastoral Plan, the Liturgy Commission exists nearly in all the Parishes. The aim of this commission is to help the Christian people to celebrate their faith in community so that they may be sanctified and give greater glory and honour to God. They meet every week and look into the liturgical life of the Parish and also draw up the programme of the liturgy for Sundays and other Solemnities. They work in close collaboration with the Priests of the Parish who are available to guide and direct them on Liturgical matters. At the level of the deaneries, the Liturgical Commission also meet to plan events taking place at deanery levels, especially during the annual Chrism Mass that is usually prepared by each deanery.


At the level of the Archdiocese, there is the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission that helps to coordinate Archdiocesan celebrations. Due to the commitment of some of the members of this commission, the celebration of the Liturgy in the Archdiocese of Bamenda has improved greatly even though it has not reached perfection. It is our hope and wish that the commission at the Archdiocesan level should be more functional and coordinate the activities of the deaneries for a better celebration of the Liturgy according to the laid down liturgical norms.


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