Category Archives: SERVICES

Administration of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation and of Anointing of the Sick

The statistics below about the administration of the sacraments according to the various parishes are gleaned from the Sacred Returns since the last Quinquennial report. They show that there is a general increase as far as the administration of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation is concerned, although the statistics of some of the Parishes are […]

Volunteer Catechists:

Prepare and lead Sunday Services; Give doctrine for the Sacraments; Render any other services agreed upon with the Parish Priest and the Christian Community.   In the 444 mission stations in the Archdiocese of Bamenda, it is thanks to the contributions of the catechists that most of these communities exist and are active. In the […]


The Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity, Ad Gentes Divinitus, n. 17 says that “the role of catechists is of the highest importance” in the work of evangelization, for the catechists are “true co-workers of the priestly order”.  For them to carry out this role effectively, there is need for formation.   Consequently, during the […]

Auxiliaries of the Apostolate

The Auxiliaries of the Apostolate were founded by Cardinal Mercier in France. They are neither an Institute of Consecrated Life nor a Society of Apostolic Life. These are mostly lay women who want to dedicate themselves to the service of the Particular Church, living their consecration in the world. The call is addressed to an […]

Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart

The Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart have one community in the Archdiocese of Bamenda, with one finally professed Sister, three temporarily professed sisters and ten postulants.   Since the last Quinquennial Report, they have moved into their newly constructed convent and Formation house, and have opened a Nursery School in their new site. […]

The Sisters of Christ (Union Mysterium Christi)

The sisters of Christ have only one community in the Archdiocese of Bamenda with five members, Four finally professed and one temporarily professed. They are deeply involved in pastoral and social work in St. Peter’s Parish, Bambui.   2.15.   The Infant Jesus Sisters   These sisters who resided at Fundong left the area because of […]

The Sisters of St. Ann

The Sisters of St. Ann have four Communities in Bamenda Archdiocese, including the new community which has been established to take care of the newly open Divine Mercy Centre. It is situated about two kilometres from the Formation House. This new community serves as a centre for the promotion of the Divine Mercy Devotion, counselling, […]
