The Dominican Sisters

The Sisters of the Order of Preachers continue to make an important contribution to the work of evangelization in this Archdiocese as one of its spiritual power houses. They are very much appreciated by the faithful. This is shown by the growing number of them who are attracted to become Lay Dominicans. The Dominican Monastary in Bambui presently has Eighteen nuns, all solemnly professed, four novices and one postulant.


Since the last Quinquennial Report, it has realized one major development, namely, the completion of a Large Guest house and the installation of digital Machines for production of liturgical vestments. The installation of the Solar Panels in currently going on.


During a recent Chapter, they elected a new Prioress. There is need to continue to consolidate their monastic tradition and spirituality according to the demands of “Sponsa Verbi”.
