Presbyteral Council

Most Rev.  Andrew Fuanya Nkea:         Archbishop of Bamenda

Fr. William Neba:                            Vicar General

Fr. Michael Suh Niba                      Vicar for Clergy

Fr. Michael Kintang:                       Episcopal Vicar for the Laity

Fr. Goerge Ngalim                          Director of Projects

Fr. Victor Forgho:                            Financial Administrator

Fr. Amos Bongdin                           Dean of Bambui Deanery

Fr. Michael Mua:                                       Dean of Ndop Deanery

Fr. Paul Acha:                                 Dean of Njinikom Deanery

Fr. Paul Fru Njokikang:                   Dean of Wum Deanery

Fr. Joseph Nchito:                          Dean of Widikum Deanery

Fr. Ephraim Ugodu:                        Dean of Mankon Deanery

Fr. Gabriel Tokoh:                           Dean of Bayelle Deanery

Fr. Anthony Bangsi:                       Dean of Bafut Deanery

Fr. Derek Che Choh:                      Chancellor

Fr. Charles Nguobi:                                  Catholic Education Secretary

Fr. Collins Otia:                               Njindom Deanery

Fr. Anthony Viban:                          Akum Deanery

Fr. John Bosco Ambe:                   Azire Deanery

Fr Valentine Ndong:                       Member
