The Augustinian Fathers

The Order of the Augustinians Discalced (OAD) is a reformed form of the Order of St Augustine (OSA). It was born on May 1592. The Order is a clerical Institute of Consecrated Life of Pontifical Right. Their charism is: “Service of the Most High in the spirit of humility”. Their General House is in Rome, and the Superior General is Fr. Gabriele Ferlisi. They have communities in Europe, South America and Asia. They were invited to make a foundation in the Archdiocese of Bamenda in 2008. Their first community was established in St. Joseph’s Parish, Bafut where they have already started a Formation House. This is their first foundation in Africa.


After about a year of introduction to the pastoral programme of the Archdiocese, the pastoral care of St. Joseph’s Parish, Bafut has been entrusted to them. A Contract between them and the Archdiocese has been signed according to the directives of the Code of Canon Law. The community is made up of the following members: three priests, six postulants and four aspirants. The members of the community are:


Rev. Fr. Erwin Hindang Jose- Superior
