Golden Jubilee Prayer

Golden Jubilee Prayer


Almighty God and Father,

We thank you for the marvelous growth in faith

during the past fifty years of its existence.

We thank you for all the blessings we have received.

We thank you for the Pastors you have given us,

Who in truth and love have nurtured our faith.


Lord Jesus Christ, your Word is Truth.

Consecrate us in the truth, because only the truth will set us free.

You came to give us life in abundance.

Increase our faith and our love.

May we all live the faith in truth and charity,

And work for justice and for the common good.


Holy Spirit, Paraclete, as we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of our Diocese,

many of our brethren have lost their lives or property,

others have been displaced and are living in difficult and dangerous situations,

due to the current socio-political crisis.

Grant us the peace which Jesus bequeathed to his disciples.


Merciful Father,

May the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, love and unity, come down once more on us as on the Day of Pentecost, enlighten and give us the courage to live in unity.

Make us fellow workers with you and with one another.

Set our hearts aflame with love and compassion,

and make us instruments of your peace and reconciliation.


May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redeemer and Star of Evangelization,

and St. Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family of Nazareth,

and Patron of our Archdiocese, intercede for us.



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