The Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity, Ad Gentes Divinitus, n. 17 says that “the role of catechists is of the highest importance” in the work of evangelization, for the catechists are “true co-workers of the priestly order”. For them to carry out this role effectively, there is need for formation.
Consequently, during the last decade, the formation of full time and part time catechists has been our priority. This is carried out by the Maryvale Institute in Bamenda. Candidates are chosen by the various parishes who sponsor their formation in the Institute. The Archdiocese subsidizes their lodging. One of the difficulties encountered in the process of formation is that most of them do not have the basic qualification needed to do the programme. To remedy this, the members of the Maryvale Formation Team go round the parishes every year to continue updating the catechists and the entire Christian community with the Echoes and Anchoring Christ programmes. Many have found this to be very valuable.
The Chaplain for Catechists organizes Formation Seminars for parish Catechists two times a year. For this, the Catechists usually come together according to deaneries in order to ease movement and catering. There is also an Annual Retreat for all the Catechists of the Archdiocese at the Paul VI Memorial Pastoral Centre, Bamendankwe, organized by the Chaplain.
There is an Episcopal Vicar for Catechists who follows them up very closely and attends to their various needs and refers the difficult situations and cases to the Local Ordinary, and assists them in various ways so that they can carry out their ministry properly. In Decree n. J-511/12/001 on the “Policy on Catechists in the Archdiocese of Bamenda” published on Monday, 14 May, 2012, the then Archbishop of Bamenda and his Auxiliary spelt out the various categories of catechists. There is a job description for every category and, except for those who are voluntary, they are remunerated accordingly.
In the Archdiocese of Bamenda, Catechists belong to the following categories:
Category 1: Full-time Catechists with a Diploma in Catechetics from Nguti, the Maryvale Institute, or equivalent Institute.
Category 2: Full-time Catechists without a Diploma in Catechetics.
Category 3: Part-time Catechists: Those who serve part time in a Parish (main mission or outstation) or in an Institution while at the same time carrying out their own occupation.
Category 4: Volunteer Catechists: Those who offer their services free of charge as Catechists in a Main Mission/Outstation/Small Christian Community/Institution.
The statistics for catechists in the Archdiocese of Bamenda stands as follows:
Category Married Single Total
Full time: 41 5 47
Part time: 237 71 308
Voluntary Catechists: – – 57
Total number of catechists 278 76 412
Job Description of Catechists:
- Full-time Catechists in the Main Mission
- Ring the bell, prepare the sacristy and altar for Mass;
- Prepare Readers, Choir and Altar-Servers;
- Lead morning, evening prayers and other devotions;
- Prepare Children and Adults for the Sacraments;
- Give doctrine in non-Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools;
- Do office work assigned to them by the Parish Priest such as filling registers, etc;
- Visit families, the sick and the old at home or in the hospital at least once a month;
- Follow up and animate Mission Groups and Small Christian Communities and RCIA Teams.
- Organize and attend meetings at Parish/Outstation levels.
- Full-time Catechists in the Outstation
- Ring the bell, prepare the sacristy and altar for Mass;
- Prepare Readers, Choir and Altar-Servers;
- Lead morning, evening prayers and other devotions;
- Prepare and lead Sunday Services;
- Prepare Children and Adults for the Sacraments;
- Give doctrine in non-Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools;
- Do office work assigned to them by the Parish Priest such as filling Registers, etc;
- Visit families, the sick and the old at home or in the hospital at least once a month;
- Follow up and animate Mission Groups and Small Christian Communities and RCIA Teams.
- Organize and attend meetings at Parish/Outstation levels.
- Part-Time Catechists
- Ring the bell, prepare the sacristy and altar for Mass;
- Prepare Readers, Choir and Altar-Servers;
- Lead morning, evening prayers and other devotions;
- Prepare and lead Sunday Services in the Outstation;
- Prepare Children and Adults for the Sacraments;
- Visit families, the sick and the old at home or in the hospital occasionally;
- Follow up and animate Mission Groups and Small Christian Communities and RCIA Teams.
- Organize and attend meetings at Parish/Outstation levels.
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