1. The Local Ordinary and his Immediate Collaborators


1.1.   The Local Ordinary


Name:                                               Most Rev. Andrew Fuanya Nkea

Date of Birth:                                    29/08/1965

Place of Birth:                                  Widikum

Nationality:                                                 Cameroonian

Priestly Ordination:                         22nd April 1992 in Regina Caeli Cathedral, Small Soppo by Right Reverend Pius Suh Awa, Bishop of Buea.

Episcopal Ordination:                     Ordained in Mamfe on 23rd August 2013 as the second Bishop of the Diocese of Mamfe. Consecrated by the Most Rev.  Piero Pioppo Apostolic Nuncio to Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea

Coadjutor Bishop of Mamfe:                   23rd August 2013 – 24th January 2014

Bishop of Mamfe:                            25th January 2014

Appointed Archbishop of Bamenda: 29th December 2019

Taking of Canonical Possession:           Saturday, 22nd February 2020.

Mother Tongue:                               Nweh

Other Languages:                          English, French, Italian and Pidgin English

Place of Residence:                       Bamenda

Postal Address:                              Archbishop’s House, P.O. Box 82, Bamenda, North West Region,

Republic of Cameroon

Telephone:                                                (00237) 33361241

Fax:                                                   (00237) 33361241

Supra-Diocesan Appointments:    Vice-President of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon: 2020; Member of the Standing Committee of the National Episcopal Conference, 2020; Member of the Council for the Synod on Synodality: 2020 till date; Registrar of Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda (CATUC): 2010-2013; Vice-President of the Bamanda Provincial Episcopal Conference (BAPEC); President of the Bamenda Provincial Episcopal Conference (BAPEC): 2021…


  • Vicar General


Name:                                               Rev. Fr. William Neba

Date of Birth:                                    15/12/1951

Place of Birth:                                  Bafut

Nationality:                                                 Cameroonian

Priestly Ordination:                          28/04/1977

Mother Tongue:                               Bafut

Date of appointment:                      22nd February 2020


  • The Archdiocesan Curia


  • Chancellery and Secretariat


Chancellor:                                                Fr. Derek Che Choh

Typist:                                               Sr. Priscilla Yein Wul

Bishop’s Secretary/Project Desk  Miss Pamela Tarkang

Receptionist:                                    Miss Gwendoline Wirashiykfe


  • Finance Office


Financial Secretary:                       Fr. Victor Forgho

Financial Controller/Auditing:                  Dr. Martin Ambe

Bookkeeping:                                  Sr. Christencia Akwanui

Cashier:                                            Sr. Francisca Kunse


  • Projects

Director of Projects:                          Fr. George Tomrila Ngalim

Architect:                                           Mr. Julius Akumawa


  • Members of the College of Consultors


Most Rev.  Andrew Fuanya Nkea:         Archbishop of Bamenda

Fr. William Neba:                            Vicar General

Fr. Michael Kintang:                       Episcopal Vicar for the Laity

Fr. Michael Suh Niba:                     Episcopal Vicar for the Clergy

Fr. Victor Forgho:                            Financial Administrator

Fr. Charles Nguobi:                        Catholic Education Secretary

Fr. George Ngalim:                         Director of Projects

Fr. Joseph Nchitu:                          Dean of Deans

Fr, Ignatius Waindim                       Member


  • Presbyteral Council


Most Rev.  Andrew Fuanya Nkea:         Archbishop of Bamenda

Fr. William Neba:                            Vicar General

Fr. Michael Suh Niba                      Vicar for Clergy

Fr. Michael Kintang:                       Episcopal Vicar for the Laity

Fr. Goerge Ngalim                          Director of Projects

Fr. Victor Forgho:                            Financial Administrator

Fr. Amos Bongdin                           Dean of Bambui Deanery

Fr. Michael Mua:                                       Dean of Ndop Deanery

Fr. Paul Acha:                                 Dean of Njinikom Deanery

Fr. Paul Fru Njokikang:                   Dean of Wum Deanery

Fr. Joseph Nchito:                          Dean of Widikum Deanery

Fr. Ephraim Ugodu:                        Dean of Mankon Deanery

Fr. Gabriel Tokoh:                           Dean of Bayelle Deanery

Fr. Anthony Bangsi:                       Dean of Bafut Deanery

Fr. Derek Che Choh:                      Chancellor

Fr. Charles Nguobi:                                  Catholic Education Secretary

Fr. Collins Otia:                               Njindom Deanery

Fr. Anthony Viban:                          Akum Deanery

Fr. John Bosco Ambe:                   Azire Deanery

Fr Valentine Ndong:                       Member




  • Archdiocesan Pastoral Council


Chairperson:              Most Rev. Andrew Fuanya Nkea


Vice Chairperson:     Mr. Omer


Secretary:                    Mrs Odette Nchanji


Vice Secretary:


Representatives of the Pastoral Commissions


Heads of Archdiocesan Services


  • Archdiocesan Laity Council


Most Rev. Andrew Nkea:                         President

Rev. Fr. Derek Che Choh:                       Secretary

Rev. Fr. William Neba:                                       Ex-Officio

Rev. Fr. Michael Kintang:                        Vicar for the Laity

Mrs Edith Tanyi:                                       Chairperson

Mr. Omer Wayih:                                                Member

Mr. Tameh Valentine:                              Member

Mr. Azaru Frankline :                                Member

Mr. Bara Edward:                                     Member

Mme Susan Awa :                                             Member

Mme Priscilla Agendia:                                      Member

Mr. Wirba Edward:                                  Member

Mme Dolores Shulika:                             Member

Mrs. Kezia Galega:                                  Member

Mme Kume Diane:                                             Member

Dr. Ngobesing Romanus:                                 Member

Miss Wirsiy Carine:                                            Member

Mr. Bah Edward:                                                Member

Mr. Bommu Bernard:                              Member


  • Archdiocesan Finance Committee


Most Rev. Andrew Fuanya Nkea:           Chairman

Fr. William Neba:                                      Member

Fr. Victor Forgho:                                       Finance Administrator

Hon. Oteh Emmanuel:                                      Member

Mrs. Hilda Ndomu                                     Member

Mrs. Linda Che Ngongban                       Member

Mr. Lembe Pius                                        Member

Mr. Francis Aseh                                      Member

Mr. Fombon Raphael                                Member

Hon Zamcho Clement                               Member

Dr. Martin Ambe                                       Ex-officio


  • The Archdiocesan Pastoral Formation Team


Fr. Anthony Bangsi:                                 Director

Sr. Pamela Bongben

Mr. Christopher Fongeh


  • Archdiocesan Liturgy Committee


Fr. Derek Che Choh                 Chairperson

Fr. Bonaventure Ndong            Vice-Chairperson

Fr. Martin Forgwe                     Secretary

Mme Lucy Adoh                        Azire Deanery

Mr. Michael Che                        Wum Deanery

Miss Emmerencia Cheo            Widikum Deanery

Mr. Joseph Tchoffo                    Ndop Deanery

Mme Helmina Yefon                  Bambui Deanery



  • Archdiocesan Education Council


Most Rev. Andrew Fuanya Nkea:           Chairman

The Catholic Education Secretary:                  Secretary

The Financial Secretary:                          Member

Fr. Michael Kintang:                                 Member

Prof John Ndongmanji:                                      Educationist

Mr. Linus Ndikum:                                     Labour Adviser


  • Archdiocesan Health Council


Most Rev. Andrew Nkea:                       Chairperson

Fr. William Neba:                                     Vicar General

Dr Promise Aseh Munteh:                     Health Coordinator

Fr. Cletus Tita:                                         Archdiocesan Health Chaplain

Fr. John Bintum:                                      Priest

Prof. Egbe Philip:                                    Medical Doctor

Prof. Robert Leke:                                    Prof. of Gynaecology

Mrs Akumawah Margaret:                        Accountant

Dr. Bambo Emmanuel:                             MD. and Public Health

Mr. Teteh Kingsey Iffiam:                        Nursing

Mr. Galabe Charles:                               Biomedical Equip Technician
