Administration of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation and of Anointing of the Sick

The statistics below about the administration of the sacraments according to the various parishes are gleaned from the Sacred Returns since the last Quinquennial report. They show that there is a general increase as far as the administration of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation is concerned, although the statistics of some of the Parishes are not up-to-date. The summaries given below show that during the period covered by the Report, that is, from 2005 to 2013, the Catholic population has grown by 38,118 Adult Baptisms, 34,591 Infant Baptisms and 1,143 people have been welcomed into the Catholic Church from other Christian Denominations. It means that the Catholic population, without counting the dead, has increased by 73,852. There are 48,199 First Holy Communions and 30,422 Confirmations.


The statistics for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick stand at 34,767. Also, there are some emergencies that come up and Christians are anointed but not recorded in the register. Generally, the Priests are available for the Sacrament of Confession and a good number of Christians are aware of the importance of this sacrament. Except for cases where the priests are given faculties to absolve from censures reserved to the Local Ordinary, statistics are not kept for the Sacrament of Confession.



1.    AKUM 1,293 1,046 83 1491   344
2.   AZIRE 1,040 1,180 62 1,512   1,015
3.BABANKI  Tungo 827 992 19 824   499
4.   BAFMENG 1,112 762 28 9,364   478
5    BAFUT 496 1,131 55 873   846
6.   BALI 741 644 52 500   608
7.   BALIKUMBAT 1,604 282 9 1,684   1,003
8.   BAMBILI 715 1,166 45 1,602   964
9.   BAMBUI 576 1,856 43 1,928   1,146
10.   BATIBO 605 317 9 765   1,700
11.   BAYELLE 3,941 2,962 67 3,996   4,040
12.   BENAKUMA 449 521 21 325   427
13.   ESU 616 746 6 681   408
14.   FUANATUI 487 548   786   1075
15.    FULI-KOM 1,817 1,401 36 1,560   838
16.   FUNDONG 2,090 2,826 57 1,598   1214
17.   FUTRU 902 1,189 38 825   625
18.   MANKON 3778 2138 88 3203   3297
19.   MBESA 385 458 2 574   255
20.  NDOP 2140 976 39 1467   620
21.   NGOMGHAM 1172 1534 83 1794   931
22.   NJIMAFOR 721 1122 44 946   505
23.  NJINDOM 328 396 37 785   526
24.   NJINIKOM 665 1312 1 1155   603
25.    NTAMBENG 1289 903 48 600   377
26.   TEZE 204 456 19 304   283
27.   WIDIKUM 908 2163 43 1497   858
28.   WUM 3119 1300 40 2347   1093
29.   SANTA 861 746 33 992   467
30.   BABA I 696 405 1 435   275
31.   MBENGWI 189 137 15 273   379
32.   NJINTEH 222 259 7 280   677
33. KEDJOM-KEKU 1842 289 2 1048   1588
34.   ILUNG 86 301 4 81   328
35.   YEMNGE 201 95 6 104   44
36.   FONFUKA            
37.   NTAAFI   10        
38.   MENKA   18        
39.St. John, Nkwen            
40.HolyTrinity,Wum 1 4 1     86
Totals 38,118 34,591 1143 48199   30422

